Don't Forget your Spaghetti Supper Donations Are Due!

To ensure the success of our Spaghetti Supper, we need your help. Each grade level has been assigned specific items to contribute towards the meal. Please have your student(s) bring their designated item/s to school by the specified due date. Our staff members will collect the items from the Elementary and ensure they are delivered to the Early Childhood.

Grade Level


Due Date

Pre-3 & Pre-4

1 Dozen Brownies

Wed, Jan 29 / Thurs, Jan 30


1 - Pack of Juice Boxes

Still Accepting Mon, Jan 27 and Tues, Jan 28

Grades 1 - 3

1 - 6 Pack of Applesauce Sauce

Still Accepting Mon, Jan 27 and Tues, Jan 28

Grades 4 - 6

1 1b Thin Spaghetti

Still Accepting Mon Jan 27 and Tues Jan 28



A few volunteers are still needed. Please check the link below for opportunities.


Items may be brought into your student(s) classroom or dropped off at the main offices of the Early Childhood or Elementary.

If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Robin Vazquez at [email protected] or call 419-577-2507.

Thank you for your support and participation in making this year's Spaghetti Supper a delightful event for everyone. We look forward to seeing you there!
