Extracurriculars / Clubs

Students participate in a wide variety of extracurriculars/clubs at Norwalk Catholic / St. Paul High School. There is something for everyone from Academic Challenge to Spring Musical to Eucharist Ministers to Rock Climbing Club.

These activities provide students with opportunities to:
  • Broaden their academic learning
  • Share their God-given gifts and talents with others
  • Build strong interpersonal relationships and teamwork skills
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Participate in service opportunities on and off campus.
We strongly encourage our students to “step outside of their comfort zones” and get involved in a variety of activities in order to become well-rounded Flyers. Our extracurriculars/clubs are designed to encourage students to grow, succeed, achieve and become leaders who Live to Serve
Full Extracurricular/Club List:
Academic Challenge is a team-based competition that highlights academic excellence. We have both junior high and high school teams. It can involve a variety of topics including math, science, literature, music, pop culture, American government, fine arts, physical science, US history and world history. The teams gather to practice during homeroom and compete every other week in the “Firelands Challenge” academic league.

5th Grade Staff Advisor: Candice Kennedy
Email: [email protected]

6th Grade Staff Advisor: Lorri Workman
Email: [email protected]

JH Staff Advisor: Anna Hainline
Email: [email protected] 

HS Staff Advisor: Jacob Conley
Marching Band - The St. Paul Marching Brass is a combined in-school and out-of-school extracurricular group for 8th-12th grade students. During football/marching band season, the band rehearses each morning during 1st period as well as three afternoon practices per week after school. The band performs weekly at football games, as well as at various band showcases and competitions in the area. Going strong since 1969, the “Pride of The Flyers” is the heartbeat of our school experience!

Concert Band - The St. Paul Concert Band is an in-school group and class for 8th-12th graders that rehearses during 1st period each morning from late October through the end of the school year. There are at least two concerts each year, with featured concerts in December and May. The concert band includes all types of brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments.

Pep Band - Pep Band is an out-of-school extracurricular group that meets for boys and girls basketball games during the winter sports season. Pep Band evenings begin at 5:30pm on game nights, at which time the band learns/rehearses that night’s music for approximately one hour. Then, the band performs the music during varsity basketball pre-game, as well as throughout the 1st Half of the basketball game.

**Students must be enrolled in the class to participate.

Staff Advisor:
Jacob Conley
The St. Paul High School Choir is an in-school group and class for 9th-12th graders that rehearses during 8th period each school day. There are at least two formal concerts each year, with featured concerts in December and May. Additionally, there are various out-of-school performances centering around holidays such as Veteran’s Day, Christmas, and Easter.

**Students must be enrolled in the class to participate.

Staff Advisor:
Jacob Conley
Class officers are elected by the students of each class (Grades 9-12). The class officers consist of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and historian.

9th Grade Staff Advisor: Sandy Nickoli
Email: [email protected]

10th Grade Staff Advisor: Kristine Livengood
Email: [email protected]

11th Grade Staff Advisor: Katie Weisenberger
Email: [email protected]

12th Grade Staff Advisor: Matt Fair
The Culture Trip is an opportunity for students to tour countries outside the United States.  The trip focuses on exposing students to different cultures, visiting some of the most famous sites around the world, hands on activities, and seeing some of the major historical sites that have shaped our world.  There are four different trips so students have a different trip available all four years they are at St. Paul.

Staff Advisor: Jerry MacMurray
In the spring of Junior year, students are asked to discern whether they feel called to the ministry of Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Those called are then trained and scheduled to distribute Holy Communion during the school year Masses. Many students continue the ministry on the weekend at their home parish.

Staff Advisor: Sara Fitzgerald
As a Junior, students are given the opportunity to discern the call of being a Retreat Team leader. This call requires an immense amount of time and commitment, and the first step entails them attending the Senior Kairos retreat. Kairos is a student-led Retreat experience, designed to encourage and cultivate one’s relationship with Jesus Christ through a series of witness talks, activities, prayer experiences, and the celebration of the Mass together as a community. The witness talks are designed to be given by both students and adults.

After experiencing the four day Retreat, these Junior students begin the process of planning and implementing the Junior class retreat in the late spring, along with the 7th and 9th grade retreats held in the early fall of their Senior year. Through the retreat leading experiences, these students offer witness to classmates and younger students through their own learning and growth to their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Staff Advisor:
Sara Fitzgerald
Students in 9th -12th grade serve Norwalk Catholic through LMLT. The focus is on imagining, planning, implementing and evaluating activities, projects and events that are centered on our Catholic faith and the mission to cultivate a relationship with Jesus Christ. Students plan the school liturgies, prayer services, stations of the cross, an All Saints Day Carnival, along with creating an environment within the school and chapel that focus hearts and minds on Christ. Students that feel called to this ministry commit themselves to helping all students on their faith journeys and provide them with different ways to do so.

Staff Advisor:
Sara Fitzgerald
“May it please the Court…”
Mock Trial provides high school students with an opportunity to experience the every day proceedings of the United States judicial system by critically thinking, reading, writing, and discussing about the original court case offered annually by the Ohio Center for Law Related Education (OCLRE).

Staff Advisor: Matt Fair
Model UN is an opportunity for students to meet at lunch time to learn and discuss current events on the world stage.  It will also include an opportunity to apply that knowledge during a Model UN simulation.  This simulation involves several schools around the area and is hosted by a local college.

Staff Advisor: Matt Fair
Staff Advisor: Ron Forrest & Josh Hartsell
The yearly high school musical is St. Paul’s exclusive drama/theater production. Auditions occur in November, rehearsals are carried out from December through February, and performance weekend is in early March. The musical is open to 7th-12th graders and includes a plethora of opportunities for onstage talent, backstage/set crew, lights/sound/tech crew, costumes/props team, and much more.

Staff Advisor:
Jacob Conley
To be a National Honor Society member, a student must excel in leadership, academics, character, and community service. They must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA to be considered, fill out an application listing leadership roles and community service, and be a junior or senior. The faculty chooses members based on these applications. Once a member, they are to help with various service activities throughout the community and continue to be good leaders.

Staff Advisor: Jacob Conley
The Prom Committee is a group of students and faculty dedicated to organizing the school prom. They handle everything from selecting the theme and venue to managing the budget and coordinating logistics like decorations and entertainment. Through fundraising and promotions, the committee ensures a memorable event for all students, while providing opportunities for leadership and involvement in a cherished school tradition.

Staff Advisor: Katie Weisenberger
We offer two Robotics Teams: one for Junior High students in grades 7 and 8, and another for High School students in grades 9 to 12. The program runs from early October to February, with additional activities potentially extending into late April. Students primarily meet before school, with some evening and Saturday sessions. This program encourages creative thinking as students use hand tools to build their robots. Programming is conducted using both Block and Java, skills applicable in various real-world robotics applications.  

Staff Advisor:
Ron Forrest
The Rock Climbing Club uses St. Paul's private climbing gym to teach students how to climb safely and overcome fears.  This club is aimed at students with an interest in sports other than the main school sports.  We stress working together and the positive support of fellow climbers.

Staff Advisor:
Jerry MacMurray
Email: [email protected]
Student Ambassadors are loyal, knowledgeable, and outgoing representatives of Norwalk Catholic. This selected group of individuals in Grades 7 – 12 represent our school and our student body at Special Events, new Family Tours, Student Shadow Days, Alumni events and with community service projects. This program is invaluable to our school.

Staff Advisor: Stephanie Kluding
Email: [email protected]
Student Council consists of four elected officers (president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer) and class representatives. Student Council sponsors several events throughout the year including Homecoming and Spirit Week.

Staff Advisor: Drew Burge
Email: [email protected]
What is TLC? As its name implies, Teen Leadership Corps is a class in which teens get a chance to lead. Our classes have projects both here at school and throughout the community. With a large emphasis on service, TLC students get a chance to not only learn about leadership, but to practice it in the real world.

**Students must be enrolled in the class to participate.

Staff Advisor:
Dustin Beal
The St. Paul High School Worship Team is a group for 7th-12th graders that meets each week to sing and perform music at the JH/High School Mass. The team includes opportunities for singing and playing instruments such as percussion, guitar, flute, etc. The Worship Team also meets every two weeks for a one-hour after-school rehearsal. It is a great opportunity to grow in faith, fellowship, and musicianship along with peers in a Christ-centered worship environment.

Staff Advisor: Jacob Conley
Publications/Yearbook is a hands-on course where students work as a team in order to create the school's annual yearbook. Students develop skills in photography, journalistic writing, editing, and design as they meet deadlines and piece together different sections. Creativity, teamwork, and attention to detail are emphasized throughout the year.

**Students must be enrolled in the class to participate. 

Staff Advisor: Hannah Bonnigson